The #RootCauseRacism movement aims to partner with people around the globe to learn and share actionable ways to dismantle structural racism. Ensuring that youth have access to a quality education is one way we seek to reverse centuries of systemic inequality.
During this holiday season and the start of 2021, #RootCauseRacism is giving the gift of education. We've partnered with Ivy Endowment, Incorporated (IEI), a 501c3 organization. Their mission is to support youth and communities through scholarships and programs that improve the quality of life for young people. Our collective goal is to raise $20,000 by January 20.
You can support our goal during Giving Tuesdays in one of two ways. First, order a #RootCauseRacism T-shirt: https://www.deondrawardelle.com/rootcauseracism. Second, you can also donate directly to IEI at https://form.jotform.com/62569152480964. Please select #RootCauseRacism from the “Designation” drop down menu.
Anyone who purchases a T-shirt and/or donates directly to IEI between December 1 and January 15 will be entered in our prize drawing. The winners will receive artwork by Karyn Ross, founder of The Love and Kindness Project Foundation; Marcella Bisetto, director of the Love and Kindness Project - Brazil; and Deondra Wardelle. The drawing will take place on Tuesday, January 19 via FaceBook Live.
Artwork by Karyn Ross

Artwork by Marcella Bisetto

Artwork by Deondra Wardelle